Monday, March 14, 2011

A Mystery of Mysteries

A Mystery of Mysteries

Meher Baba wished to tell us who He was and who we are as well. He wished to reveal the theme of creation and it’s purpose so that we may find our place within the grand scheme of things — Reality and Illusion.

To help us understand, Meher Baba presented us all with a central metaphor that both defines and contemplates the most profound questions the intellect and intuition can envision.

This is the metaphor of the Ocean. The Ocean contains both Everything and Nothing and the Ocean is beyond Everything and Nothing also. Reality and Illusion are within the Ocean — for nothing exists that is not Ocean. There never was a time when the Ocean did not exist and there never will be a time when the Ocean does not exist because the Ocean is eternal, and eternity is beyond time.

In the metaphor of the Ocean, Meher Baba reveals the mystery of individuality and oneness by telling us that the one indivisible Ocean is made up of an unlimited number of drops, and that each one of these drops inherits and exhibits all of the qualities of the Ocean itself. All drops are in the Ocean, all drops are the Ocean and all drops are One.

Meher Baba names the Ocean the Over-Soul and the drops are called souls. “All souls are in the Over-Soul and all souls are One.” He reveals this in the first pages of his book, God Speaks, and then goes on to explain how these drops (souls) begin an odyssey of imagination through the processes of evolution, reincarnation, and involution, in order to acquire and perfect the consciousness that leads to the state in which the drop becomes conscious of itself as the Ocean without losing its individuality as the drop.

It all begins with the Lahar — the Whim of God to know Himself. Baba told us that the Lahar, being a whim, is without cause. It just arises spontaneously in the Ocean. How can this be? How can the Lahar just arise spontaneously in the Ocean?

This is indeed a great mystery, but perhaps an even greater mystery concerns the nature of individuality and oneness after the individualized Soul gains the realization that it always was, is, and will be the Ocean itself.

In other words, how does the individuality gained by the Soul remain individual after the experience of absolute oneness with the Ocean — how can individuality and indivisibility remains coexistent?

In the dedication to God Speaks Meher Baba says, “To the Universe — the Illusion that sustains Reality.”

In the conclusion to God Speaks He states:

“God cannot be explained, He cannot be argued about, He cannot be theorized, nor can He be discussed and understood. God can only be lived.

Nevertheless, all that is said here and explained about God to appease the intellectual convulsions of the mind of man still lacks many more words and further explanations because the TRUTH is that Reality must be realized and the divinity of God must be attained and lived.

To understand the infinite, eternal Reality is not the GOAL of individualized beings in the Illusion of Creation, because the Reality can never be understood; it is to be realized by conscious experience.

Therefore, the GOAL is to realize the Reality and attain the ‘I am God’ state in human form.”

Meher Baba told some people to read God Speaks, to others He said that it wasn’t necessary at all, and to some he said, “Read it until it sings in your veins.”

The Kali Yuga is a time, as suggested by one Perfect Master, “…when you will look out your window and without spiritual preparation, you will go insane.”

“…to appease the intellectual convulsions of the mind…”