The Significance and Insignificance of Time
There are four yugas. Krita, Treta, Dwarpara, and Kali.
Krita lasts 4,800 divine years or 1,752,000 human years. (There are 365 human years to one divine year.)
Treta lasts 3,600 divine years or 1,314,000 human years.
Dwapara lasts 2,400 divine years or 876,000 human years.
Kali lasts 1,200 divine years or 438,000 human years.
A Chaturyuga is a term designating the whole cycle of four yugas. It lasts 12,000 divine years or 4,380,000 human years.
71 chaturyugas makes a manvantara or 310,980,000 human years.
14 manvantars make a kalpa or 4,353,720,000 human years.
1000 kalpas is 12,000,000 divine years and that is one day of Brahma.
8,000 Brahma years makes one Brahma yuga.
1,000 Brahma yugas make a savanna; and Brahma’s life is 3,003 savanas long.
One day of Mahavishnu is the lifetime of Brahma.
So, where are we in all of this?
Most all authorities agree that we are now experiencing the final stages of the Kali Yuga.
Meher Baba said that he was the last Avatar in this cycle of cycles. I assume that we are therefore at the end of a Manvantara. (A period of time of nearly three hundred and eleven million years!)
Meher Baba also said that when He (the Avatar) would incarnate again in approximately 700 human years it would be a Golden age i.e. Krita the first yuga in the next Chaturyuga.
And what is the significance of all this?
Meher Baba said that there are eight million four hundred thousand forms that the soul must associate with and disassociate from to reach the human form. (The last of these forms being the human form.)
The soul then associates and disassociates with eight million four hundred thousand human forms (lifetimes) through the processes of reincarnation and involution to reach the final stage of Realization.
To have reached the human form is a great achievement. We have come so far already. A few more lifetimes, or a few thousand, even more, what does it matter, we are nearly there!
Any human being we meet, sinner or saint, beggar or king, has been around this creation for billions of years. Apparently spiritual or crude, what does it matter?
What we have all gone through, what we have all forgotten, and what we still must experience and endure, only a perfect one really knows.
Is not the fact that everyone we meet is a wayfarer on an incredible odyssey that has traverse millions of forms and millions of lifetimes reason enough to treat each and every human being with respect and admiration?
On this journey, one man’s path is another man’s footsteps. Are we not here really, to continue our journey helping each other as best we can, until the journey ends in conscious union with God. Perhaps living in this awareness is synonymous with real compassion?
I died as mineral and became plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was man.
Why should I fear?
When was I less by dying?
Yet, once more, I shall die as man,
To soar with angels blessed:
But even from the realm of angels pass on;
All except God does perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist!
For non-existence proclaims in organ tones,
‘To Him we shall return!’
Krita lasts 4,800 divine years or 1,752,000 human years. (There are 365 human years to one divine year.)
Treta lasts 3,600 divine years or 1,314,000 human years.
Dwapara lasts 2,400 divine years or 876,000 human years.
Kali lasts 1,200 divine years or 438,000 human years.
A Chaturyuga is a term designating the whole cycle of four yugas. It lasts 12,000 divine years or 4,380,000 human years.
71 chaturyugas makes a manvantara or 310,980,000 human years.
14 manvantars make a kalpa or 4,353,720,000 human years.
1000 kalpas is 12,000,000 divine years and that is one day of Brahma.
8,000 Brahma years makes one Brahma yuga.
1,000 Brahma yugas make a savanna; and Brahma’s life is 3,003 savanas long.
One day of Mahavishnu is the lifetime of Brahma.
So, where are we in all of this?
Most all authorities agree that we are now experiencing the final stages of the Kali Yuga.
Meher Baba said that he was the last Avatar in this cycle of cycles. I assume that we are therefore at the end of a Manvantara. (A period of time of nearly three hundred and eleven million years!)
Meher Baba also said that when He (the Avatar) would incarnate again in approximately 700 human years it would be a Golden age i.e. Krita the first yuga in the next Chaturyuga.
And what is the significance of all this?
Meher Baba said that there are eight million four hundred thousand forms that the soul must associate with and disassociate from to reach the human form. (The last of these forms being the human form.)
The soul then associates and disassociates with eight million four hundred thousand human forms (lifetimes) through the processes of reincarnation and involution to reach the final stage of Realization.
To have reached the human form is a great achievement. We have come so far already. A few more lifetimes, or a few thousand, even more, what does it matter, we are nearly there!
Any human being we meet, sinner or saint, beggar or king, has been around this creation for billions of years. Apparently spiritual or crude, what does it matter?
What we have all gone through, what we have all forgotten, and what we still must experience and endure, only a perfect one really knows.
Is not the fact that everyone we meet is a wayfarer on an incredible odyssey that has traverse millions of forms and millions of lifetimes reason enough to treat each and every human being with respect and admiration?
On this journey, one man’s path is another man’s footsteps. Are we not here really, to continue our journey helping each other as best we can, until the journey ends in conscious union with God. Perhaps living in this awareness is synonymous with real compassion?
I died as mineral and became plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was man.
Why should I fear?
When was I less by dying?
Yet, once more, I shall die as man,
To soar with angels blessed:
But even from the realm of angels pass on;
All except God does perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist!
For non-existence proclaims in organ tones,
‘To Him we shall return!’
Greetings Dear Michael:
How happy I am that I came across your excellent blog :)As a fellow traveler on the spiritual path and a writer, may I commend to you my book, Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel, a mystical adventure tale on the Sufi path of Love. I think you will like it.
You can view the book and read an excerpt at
In the name of the Merciful, 10% of all profits go to charity.
Peace and Blessings,
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